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A War of Whispers
A War of Whispers

A War of Whispers

Collector's Edition
30m - 1h
2.2K h
A War of Whispers is a competitive board game for 2 to 4 players. Five mighty empires are at war for the world, but you are no mighty ruler. Instead, you play a secret society that is betting on the results of this war while pulling strings to rig the results and ensure their bets pay off. A War of ...

  • 2 players, Eng
  • 3 players, Eng
  • 4 players, Eng
  • 2 players, Eng - Dark Alliances and Conquest
  • 3 players, Eng - Dark Alliances and Conquest
  • 4 players, Eng - Dark Alliances and Conquest
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